ANWR drilling passes the Senate (The Anchorage Daily News 11/4)
Senate OKs ANWR drilling (The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner 11/4)
Senate vote pushes ahead plan to drill in Alaska (AP 11/4)
Senate Passes Plan to Cut $35 Billion From Deficit (The Washington Post 11/4)
Senate Passes Budget With Benefit Cuts and Oil Drilling (The New York Times 11/4)
pwnyt Relevant Links:
Arctic Slope Regional Corp - http://www.asrc.com
Gwic'hin Steering Committee - http://www.alaska.net/~gwichin
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish and Willdife Service - http://arctic.fws.gov
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Pro-Development site - http://www.anwr.org Related Stories:
ANWR drilling measure up for vote in Senate (11/3)
Senate panel adds ANWR drilling to budget (10/20)
Gwich'in Nation continues fight against ANWR drilling (09/21)
Senate delays action on ANWR drilling in budget (09/14)
Shareholders want ANWR oil shared with all Natives (07/08)
NCAI's Hall praises Senate passage of energy bill (06/29)
Opinion: Drilling in ANWR would destroy sacred place (06/07)
House panel puts ANWR drilling in energy package (04/14)
Stevens wrong on claim that ANWR will help Natives (4/12)
Gwich'in leader blasts Senate vote on ANWR drilling (03/18)
Senate votes for ANWR drilling in federal budget (3/18)
Senate vote on ANWR drilling said to be very close (3/16)
Letters: Gale Norton still wrong on ANWR drilling (3/16)
Editorial: Norton wrong about drilling in ANWR (3/15)
Gale Norton: Drilling in ANWR won't hurt environment (3/14)
Stevens 'depressed' over ANWR drilling fight (3/14)
House, Senate differ on ANWR energy legislation (3/10)
GOP to include ANWR drilling in budget measure (3/9)
Arctic drilling a sensitive issue for Inupiat Eskimos (3/7)
Senate Republicans optimistic on ANWR drilling (12/16)
GOP says it has votes to authorize ANWR drilling (11/05)
Bush administration prepares for second term (11/04)
Bruce Babbitt: Arctic drilling would harm Inupiats (07/08)
House Republican drop bid to open ANWR to drilling (06/17)
House Republicans push two energy bills through (6/16)
Alaska to open ANWR shores to oil and gas drilling (04/01)
Alaska Native mayor decries spread of development (02/13)
Norton approves development in Alaska reserve (01/23)
Norton wants to drill more than ANWR (11/04)
ANWR opponent named AFN's top citizen (10/28)
House negotiators approve ANWR proposal (10/03)
Republicans revive ANWR drilling (9/27)
Bush wants ANWR and that's that (9/26)
Bush veto over ANWR drilling not certain (9/24)
Norton: Veto bill if no ANWR drilling (9/20)
House-Senate hammer out energy bill (6/28)
ANWR advocates on energy bill committee (6/14)
DOI official says public doesn't get it (5/10)
Energy picks have Murkowski happy (5/3)
Democrats balk on energy negotiations (5/2)
Senate approves energy bill (4/26)
Work wraps up on energy bill (4/25)
Alaska Native drilling won't be pushed (4/24)
Murkowski silent on Native drilling (4/22)
Senate rejects ANWR drilling proposal (4/19)
Next Stop: Drilling on Inupiat land (4/19)
On drilling, a defeat for Bush (4/19)
Bush looks for other places to drill (4/19)
Votes for ANWR said lacking (4/18)
ANWR proposals offered(4/17)
Editorial: Norton's ANWR video (4/17)
ANWR swing votes sought (4/16)
Norton defends use of pro-ANWR video (4/12)
ANWR amendment delayed in Senate (4/12)
Hussein threat sparks ANWR plea (4/11)
Burns says caribou impact 'nil' (4/10)
Native drilling to impact caribou (4/9)
New ANWR analysis questioned (4/5)
Bush discounting drilling report (4/1)
Drilling report was held back (4/1)
Gwich'in activist still at it (3/25)
Pros and Cons: Arctic Drilling (3/19)
Among Inupiat Eskimos, an 'injustice' (3/13)
Senate takes up energy bill (3/6)
Campbell: Drill ANWR (3/4)
For or against, Inupiats tied to off-shore drilling (11/2)
Inupiats press for oil drilling in ANWR (10/26)
ASRC supporting anti-drilling complaint (10/26)
'Attack' on Gwich'in decried (10/24)
Norton admits ANWR 'mistake' (10/23)
Norton staff rewrote Arctic drilling data (10/19)
Arctic drilling debate continues (10/15)
Bush promotes ANWR as home security (10/12)
ANWR spared in defense vote (10/3)
House approves limited Arctic drilling (8/2)
Bush makes last-ditch pitch for Arctic drilling (8/1)
House panel approves Arctic drilling (7/18)
Gwich'in Nation blind-sided by Norton visit (6/15)
Norton: Indian Country won't get ripped off (5/24)
Alaska Natives square off over Arctic drilling (5/18)
Campbell: Alaska Natives support drilling (4/25)
Gwich'in Nation: We Come from the Caribou (4/4)
GOP Senators unveil drilling proposal (2/27)