On the other hand, members of the Gwich'in Nation, who live in a village right outside the southern border of ANWR, oppose drilling for fear it will harm the Porcupine caribou herd. The tribe relies on the herd for food and cultural survival.
Inouye, former chairman of the Indian committee, discounted the Gwich'in Nation by arguing that the majority of Alaska Natives support development. "There are 230 Indian tribes and tribal villages in the state of Alaska," he said. "One tribe is against it." Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) does not sit on the Indian committee but also brought up Alaska Natives. He said approval of drilling will help all Natives, not just the Eskimos, because revenues will be distributed among the Native regional corporations, which are not tribes or governments. "When one region gets money from natural resources, it must share will the other 11 regions," he said. "That's why all Alaska Natives have an interest in ANWR." The Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, a corporation of 8,000 Inupiat Eskimos, owns drilling rights to some of the land in ANWR where drilling might occur. The surface rights are held by the Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation, a corporation representing the Inupiat village of Kaktovik. ASRC officials insist drilling can be done in an environmentally sound way. Development has occurred on Native-owned land outside the refuge without detrimental impacts, they say. The Gwich'in, who are Athabaskan, believe any disturbance within will harm the caribou herd, which migrates from Canada into Alaska. ANWR is the calving ground for caribou mothers. The pro-drilling provision is contained in the budget resolution, which still needs to pass the Senate. It must be reconciled with the House's version of the bill, which doesn't include drilling. After the vote yesterday, Rep. Richard Pombo (R-California), chairman of the House Resources Committee, said he will include authorization for drilling in the national energy policy legislation. "Oil is the lifeblood of our economy and a critical component of our national security, which is why it only takes common sense to conclude that we should produce more of it here at home," he said. "America needs American oil." Roll Call:To strike section 201(a)(4) relative to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (March 16, 2003) Relevant Links:
Gwich'in Steering Committee - http://www.alaska.net/~gwichin
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish and Willdife Service - http://arctic.fws.gov
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Pro-Development site - http://www.anwr.org