Thursday, June 6, 2002

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A leading Republican lawmaker on Wednesday threatened to cut off funding to the Department of Interior for what he characterized as its "old fashioned" attitude Alaska Natives....

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In case you haven't noticed, Ann DeFrange of The Daily Oklahoman has written some fascinating columns about U.S....

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The National Indian Gaming Commission has reaffirmed its authority over Indian casino operations despite a judicial officer's conclusion that hundreds of Clinton-era mandates violate tribal sovereignty....

A Nebraska priest used alcohol and a shared fascination with Native American culture to lure a former altar boy into sexually abusive situations, the now 23-year-old man testified on Wednesday....

Violence in rural Mexico over land traditionally held communally by Indian villages has lead to hundreds of deaths over the years....

A Senate committee overruled the state of Nevada and voted to store up to 77,000 tons of highly radioactive nuclear nuclear waste on traditional Shoshone land....

The Sioux Falls Argus Leader in an editorial today praises the work of a university group to preserve the Lakota language....

The Air Force is donating 110 surplus military homes to the White Earth Ojibwe Tribe in Minnesota....

Students at a middle school in Wyoming voted last week for a new mascot....

The Snoqualmie Tribe of Washington has changed its mind on Indian mascots, according to chairman Joseph Mullen....

A recent study from the University of California at Los Angeles concludes that Native Americans are "invisible" when it comes to portrayals on the television screen....

The brother of a woman shot to death on the Fort Peck Reservation in Montana was charged in tribal court on Wednesday with her manslaughter....

The Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma honored an original tribal enrollee at an early birthday party this past weekend....

The FBI on Wednesday said it has traced the origins of the September 11 terrorist attacks....

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Christie Whitman spoke at a tribal environmental meeting in Nevada on Wednesday....

Loggers in British Columbia have joined with a First Nation to prevent their company from destroying forest lands on Queen Charlotte Islands....

The National Trust for Historic Preservation is releasing its list of most endangered historic places....

About 300 members of a First Nation in the Yukon have provided DNA samples to test their link to a 550-year-old Native man found trapped in ice....

Two Montana tribes want the National Park Service to change the date of the dedication of a long-overdue memorial to the tribal warriors that fought at the Battle of Little Bighorn....

You've read the anecdotes about the Department of Interior officials and their experience with castration of certain animals....

Gangs are becoming an increasing problem for young Navajo Nation tribal members, according to law enforcement and educators....

Alaska Natives vow to continue their age-old whaling hunting tradition despite a rebuff by the International Whaling Commission....

The Yankton Sioux Tribe of South Dakota asked a federal judge on Wednesday to stop all work at a site where the remains of two children and a woman were removed without prior notification....

Senator Harry Reid (D-Nev.) will push a bill to disburse $128 million to members of the Western Shoshone Nation of Nevada....