Friday, December 20, 2002

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A Washington tribe who was knocked off the federal recognition list by the Bureau of Indian Affairs lost an attempt to reaffirm its treaty rights on Thursday....

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Is it Friday already? That means it's time for the weekly list of the movers and shakers in Indian Country and beyond....

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Already upset with an effort they say reflects little of their input, tribal leaders lashed out at the Bush administration on Thursday for withholding key information about the Department of Interior's pending reorganization....

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and four Navajo tribal members are suing an Arizona drive-in that forbade them from speaking Navajo on the job....

Advisers to President Bush are proposing to require Internet service providers to help the federal government monitor the Internet, The New York Times reports....

The Golden Hill Paugussett Tribe of Connecticut signed a casino deal with the city of Bridgeport on Thursday....

The Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin has given final approval to a land swap with the state....

Minnesota regulators on Thursday approved a hydroelectric power deal over the objections of the Pimicikamak Cree First Nation of Canada....

The Shawano County Board on Wednesday voted against a government-to-government agreement with the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohicans....

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People "squanders its moral authority" by siding with a Connecticut tribe, The New London Day writes in an editorial today....

A proposal by the Upper Lake Pomo Tribe of California has drawn some high-powered opposition....

Two teens from a Yup'ik village in Alaska were rescued Thursday after spending more than 12 hours in a winter storm....

An emergency meeting was held on Thursday to discuss a $1.2 billion budget shortfall at the Bonneville Power Administration that tribes in the Pacific Northwest fear will lead to cuts in key salmon preservation programs....

The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of Montana are asserting sovereignty over their water rights on the Flathead Reservation....

The Washington Legislature is set to consider two bills next month that will put the Tulalip Tribes on equal footing in terms of tax treatment....

Senator Bill Frist (R-Tennessee), a close ally of President Bush, on Thursday said he would challenge Trent Lott for the Senate majority leader position....

The announcement by a racist church that it plans to relocate to a city near the Wind River Reservation of Wyoming has bonded Indians and non-Indians against a white supremacist group....

The 26th annual Lakota Nation Invitational is taking place this week in Rapid City, South Dakota, and is well known for its basketball tournament....

The Bureau of Indian Affairs was supposed to issue a preliminary decision on the federal status of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe of Massachusetts by the end of this week....

The Bureau of Land Management is moving to seize more livestock it says belong to two Western Shoshone sisters in Nevada....

Ken Hansen, chairman of the Samish Nation of Washington, criticized his colleagues for opposing his tribe's attempt to reaffirm its treaty rights....

"[F]arewell to Assistant Secretary Neal McCaleb....

The Department of Interior is moving ahead with its reorganization of the Bureau of Indian Affairs despite mounting objections in Indian Country....

Assistant Secretary Neal McCaleb on Thursday wrote a letter to Seminole Nation Chief Jerry Haney to clarify the recognition of the tribe's governing body....

Secretary of Interior Gale Norton on Thursday said that Indian gaming raises serious "concerns" that were the subject of a recent TIME magazine report....

Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-South Dakota) wasn't informed about the Department of Interior's reprogramming request until last night, an aide said today....

Canada's Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development won't appeal a ruling that rescinded federal management of an Ojibwe First Nation....