Tribal police break up alcohol blockade (The Rapid City Journal 6/29)
Tribal police break up attempted beer blockade, arrest three (AP 6/29) Whiteclay Series:
Standing at the Crossroads (Lincoln Journal Star June 2005) Relevant Links:
Oglala Sioux Tribe - http://www.lakotamall.com/oglalasiouxtribe
Nebraskans for Peace - http://www.nebraskansforpeace.org Related Stories:
Pine Ridge blockade aims to stop flow of alcohol (6/28)
Pine Ridge Reservation still dry after all these years (05/18)
Pine Ridge women sentenced for bootlegging (5/16)
No patrols at Whiteclay two years after agreement (5/15)
Activists may help enforce Pine Ridge alcohol ban (07/06)
Editorial: Natives deserve better treatment (7/3)
Whiteclay blockade goes down as soon as it goes up (6/29)
Activists to set up blockade of Whiteclay liquor (6/28)
Oglala Sioux Tribe backs Whiteclay blockade (6/27)
Nebraska paper wins award for Whiteclay coverage (6/19)
Activists plan to block sale of liquor in Whiteclay (06/05)
County renews three Whiteclay liquor licenses (03/14)
Top court to hear Whiteclay liquor license suit (3/9)
Oglala Sioux Tribe meets with border town leaders (3/8)
Native activists protest sale of liquor in Whiteclay (3/7)
Whiteclay liquor store won't face sanctions (3/1)
Editorial: Whiteclay patrols a step in right direction (09/09)
Editorial: Whiteclay policing deal a good step (9/6)
Tribe, state sign Whiteclay policing agreement (8/31)
Oglala Sioux Tribe to start policing Whiteclay (08/17)
Oglala Sioux Tribe to begin patrols of Whiteclay (08/10)
Column: Target alcoholism, not beer stores in Whiteclay (07/06)
Lakota Republican questions Whiteclay campaign (06/15)
Hundreds march to protest sale of liquor in Whiteclay (6/13)
March to call for end of liquor sales in Whiteclay (6/10)
Editorial: Whiteclay deserves extra attention (6/3)
Oglala Sioux Tribe agrees to patrol Whiteclay (6/1)
Frank LaMere: State needs to address Whiteclay (5/31)
Editorial: Turnaround on the horizon in Whiteclay (05/24)
Lincoln Journal Star: Whiteclay at the crossroads (05/16)
Nebraska Democrats call for action on Whiteclay (04/15)
State: Oglala Sioux Tribe to patrol Whiteclay (01/27)
Whiteclay fuels proposal to change liquor laws (11/29)
Man drops bid for Whiteclay liquor license (11/23)
Judge allows another Whiteclay liquor license (11/18)
Request for Whiteclay liquor license delayed (11/16)
Nebraska panel considers more police at Whiteclay (11/05)
Man denied license to sell beer in Whiteclay tries again (10/07)
Nebraska commission denies Whiteclay liquor license (08/11)
Oglala Sioux Tribe opposes more stores in Whiteclay (8/6)
Whiteclay beer establishment loses liquor license (04/02)
Neb. lawmaker continues fight over Whiteclay liquor (02/10)
Lakota activist sees lawsuit as means for change (07/11)
Lawsuit seeks accountability for Pine Ridge deaths (7/10)
Lakota activist suing Neb. over Whiteclay deaths (7/9)
Editorial: Attack alcoholism with jobs (06/18)
AIM leader threatens blockade in Whiteclay (6/13)
Tribe would share police duties in Whiteclay (6/9)
March on Whiteclay called a day of unity (6/6)
Pine Ridge residents to march on Whiteclay (05/16)
Bill would beef up law enforcement at Whiteclay (03/10)
Neb. lawmakers to consider three Whiteclay bills (3/4)
Activists call for enforced laws at Whiteclay (3/3)
AIM joins protest against Whiteclay liquor sales (2/28)
Activists plan Year of Atonement in Neb. (02/21)
Bill would outlaw liquor sales near reservations (01/15)
BIA investigating death near Whiteclay (12/18)
March planned over Whiteclay liquor sales (12/04)
Whiteclay activist wants apology from state (10/30)
Whiteclay protesters fined for drinking (9/25)
Whiteclay becomes a campaign issue (8/21)
Whiteclay protesters say beer is free speech (7/18)
Candidate: Tribe could police Whiteclay (7/12)
Whiteclay law enforcement considered (6/25)
Neb. protesters cited for public drinking (6/11)
Another year for Whiteclay protest (6/7)
Neb. accused of racism for liquor sales (5/28)
State takes tour of Whiteclay (5/24)
Activists drink beer for Natives (5/10)
Whiteclay activists drink beer (4/19)
Suit may be filed over Whiteclay liquor (3/28)
Editorial: Review Whiteclay laws (3/26)
Abourezk: Exploiting Indians (2/27)
Solution to Whiteclay liquor pushed (2/26)
Whiteclay protester gets hearing (2/25)
Bill would prohibit new liquor at Whiteclay (1/24)
Whiteclay liquor store suspended (12/14)
Whiteclay store owner pleads guilty (11/15)
Whiteclay liquor case delayed (11/14)
Whiteclay liquor license denied (10/26)
Leads still come in on Pine Ridge deaths (10/12)
BIA sends investigators to Pine Ridge (10/11)
Whiteclay liquor protested (8/23)
Thompson heads out on reservation tour (8/15)
Whiteclay patrols draw complaints (8/6)
Whiteclay liquor store fined (7/18)
Whiteclay summit held in Neb. (6/12)
Whiteclay protest march held (6/11)
Whiteclay land still disputed (6/11)
High schoolers hear Whiteclay talk (6/7)
Peaceful protests expected in Whiteclay (6/6)
Attention being called to Whiteclay (6/4)
Whiteclay protest trial resumes (5/24)
Whiteclay liquor protests planned (5/18)
Movie being shot at Pine Ridge (4/24)
Whiteclay establishment fined (4/20)
Whats Going on at Whiteclay? (4/9)
Action on Whiteclay liquor promised (2/13)
Liquor executive order sought (2/5)
State questioned on Whiteclay liquor (1/12)
More Whiteclay investigation sought (12/15)
Whiteclay liquor sales targeted (12/14)
Whiteclay protesters reject plea (09/15)
Means fined for Whiteclay protest (08/28)
Whiteclay protests continue (06/12)