"The many effects of colonialism on tribes have been negative, yet the colonizing mentality still is apparent at UND.
UND President Charles Kupchella knows how to divide and conquer. Here's how you do it: Wine and dine Sioux tribal leaders at a Sioux hockey game in the luxurious Engelstad Arena, throw in a million dollars for bait, then sit back and wait for the brawl to begin.
Sure enough, one leader of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe writes a letter claiming that the tribe supports the logo - this, the day before National Collegiate Athletic Association's decision is due. The tribal chairman then fires off a letter announcing the tribe's original anti-logo resolution stands; then, the two tribal leaders call for each other's removal.
Just days after this brouhaha, UND announces the Sioux Scholarship."
Get the Story:
Denise Lajimodiere: New scholarship could hurt Indian education
(The Grand Forks Herald 5/19)
NCAA Update:
of Indian Mascot Policy (April 28, 2006)
NCAA Executive Committee Decision:
American Mascot Appeals Decisions (April 28, 2006)
NCAA Staff Decision on Fighting Sioux:
by NCAA Senior Vice-President for Governance and Membership Bernard Franklin on
University of North Dakota Review(September 28, 2005)
NCAA Policy on Indian Mascots:
Executive Committee Issues Guidelines for Use of Native American Mascots at
Championship Events (August 5, 2005)
Relevant Links:
University of North Dakota - http://www.und.edu
The Ralph
- http://www.theralph.com
Sioux - http://www.fightingsioux.com
NCAA Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee - http://www1.ncaa.org/eprise/main/
National Coalition on Racism in Sports and Media - http://www.aimovement.org/ncrsm
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Friday, May 19, 2006
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