George F. Will: Chief Among the Silliness (The Washington Post 1/5)
pwpwd Related Stories:
Harjo: Indian people have no word for 'mascot' (12/09)
Oglala Sioux Student: Mascots perpetuate racism (11/29)
Column: Nation in denial about racism of mascots (11/21)
Column: 'Redskins' a mascot of Indian genocide (11/17)
NCAA allows 'Illini' but rejects 'Chief Illiniwek' (11/14)
Resolution urges talks with tribes on 'Sioux' name (11/11)
Newberry College hosts forum on Indian mascots (11/10)
Carthage College goes from 'Redmen' to 'Red Men' (11/01)
NCAA rejects appeal of Newberry 'Indians' (10/27)
NCAA rejects appeal over Bradley 'Braves' (10/21)
Psychologists label Indian mascots harmful (10/19)
Opinion: Policy ignores racism in Indian mascots (10/3)
UND won't be taken off NCAA's Indian mascot list (09/29)
School won't fight NCAA policy, moves to change name (09/28)
Column: NCAA misses again on extension of policy (09/22)
NCAA extends mascot policy to division bowl games (9/21)
Opinion: Mascots dehumanize Native Americans (9/16)
Opinion: Mascots a stereotype of Native Americans (9/16)
Tim Giago: NCAA loses its spine on mascot policy (09/13)
Column: Haskell football coach against Indian mascots (09/09)
Editorial: NCAA backed into corner on mascot policy (8/29)
Opinion: Mascots are racist, plain and simple (8/29)
Seminole Lawyer: Tribes should work with mascots (8/29)
Tribes set to oppose 'Fighting Sioux' nickname (8/29)
Editorial: Not every mascot is 'hostile' or 'abusive' (8/26)
UND president wavers on tribal support for 'Sioux' (8/26)
Illinois village seeks to bring back Indian head (8/26)
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Choctaw Nation chief has no problem with 'Savages' (8/25)
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Editorial: Tribes have final say in mascot decisions (8/25)
Column: University of Utah must connect with tribe (8/25)
CMU preparing to appeal decision on 'Chippewas' (8/25)
NCAI president worried about shift in NCAA stance (8/24)
NCAA exempts FSU 'Seminoles' from mascot policy (8/24)
Other universities encouraged by NCAA decision (8/24)
CMU to cite support of tribe for 'Chippewas' nickname (8/23)
Column: William & Mary 'Tribe' name harmless (8/23)
Editorial: NCAA deserves credit for mascot policy (8/22)
Column: Indians are heroes, so why not mascots? (8/22)
Column: Indians not offended by Indian mascots (8/22)
Editorial: Celebrate real Indians, not mascots (8/19)
Military commands eliminate use of Indian terms (8/19)
Column: It's time to bring an end to 'Redskins' (8/19)
Column: How about the Washington Blackfaces? (8/19)
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Opinion: 'Fighting Sioux' nickname hurts Natives (8/18)
Opinion: 'Fighting Sioux' nickname hurts Natives (8/18)
Continued reaction to NCAA policy on mascots (8/17)
Tim Giago: Censor tribes for supporting mascots (8/17)
FSU once used drunk 'Chief Fullabull' as mascot (8/17)
Column: Nazi-loving Ralph keeps Indian logo alive (8/17)
University of Illinois trustee blasts NCAA policy (8/17)
Panel to decide fate of SOSU 'Savages' mascot (8/17)
Even more reaction to the NCAA policy on mascots (8/16)
FSU trustee apologizes to Seminole Nation (8/16)
Editorial: FSU leaders insulted Seminole people (8/16)
Schools appeal NCAA policy on Indian mascots (8/15)
Reaction to NCAA mascot policy still rolling in (8/15)
Bad Eagle: NCAA doesn't care what Indians think (8/15)
Harjo: Hanging onto mascots, toys of racism (8/12)
Still more reaction to NCAA policy on mascots (8/11)
Editorial: NCAA policy a step in the right direction (8/11)
Opinion: NCAA on the warpath against mascots (8/11)
NCAA President: Taking the high road on mascots (8/11)
NCAA will ask TV stations not to use mascot names (8/11)
North Dakota governor criticizes NCAA policy (8/11)
FSU trustees approve fight for 'Seminoles' mascot (8/11)
Saginaw Chippewa Tribe calls policy 'unacceptable' (8/11)
Local high school league won't take up mascot issue (8/11)
Even more reaction to NCAA policy on mascots (8/10)
Editorial: Good riddance to 'demeaning' mascots (8/10)
Jeb Bush calls mascot policy 'offensive' to tribe (8/10)
University of Utah mulls position on 'Utes' (8/10)
More reaction to NCAA's new policy on Indian mascots (8/9)
FSU wants policy changed to allow 'Seminoles' (8/9)
Utah 'Utes' among the names on NCAA's mascot hit list (8/9)
'Fighting Sioux' arena contains thousands of logos (8/9)
NCAA announces revised Indian mascot policy (8/8)
Mixed reaction to change in use of mascots (8/8)
NCAA committee to take up Indian mascots (8/3)
TV stations challenged on use of 'Redskins' name (07/22)
Giago: Seminole Tribe wrong on Indian mascots (07/19)
Appeals court keeps 'Redskins' lawsuit alive (07/18)
Opinion: Changing mascots is a waste of time (07/15)
Mascots not only an issue for Native Americans (7/14)
Opinion: It's time for racist mascots to go (7/14)
Seminole Tribe doesn't have problem with mascots (07/05)
NCAA committee won't call for ban on Indian mascots (6/28)
Seminole Nation opposes FSU's 'Seminoles' mascot (6/23)
Seminole Tribe supports FSU's 'Seminoles' mascot (6/21)
Editorial: Not all 'Indian' mascots are offensive (05/31)
Harjo: NCAA should ban all 'Native' imagery (5/27)
FSU defends use of 'Seminole' mascot in NCAA letter (05/17)
Schools defend Indian mascots in reports to NCAA (5/16)
Editorial: UND's 'Fighting Sioux' report not truthful (05/06)
FSU preparing report on use of 'Seminole' mascot (04/29)
Virginia tribe not offended by school's nickname (04/26)
Saginaw Chippewa Tribe supports CMU nickname (04/13)
Drunk Student: Chief Illiniwek is not offensive to Natives (04/07)
Group protests university's 'Fighting Sioux' name (03/28)
UNC-Pembroke stands by its 'Braves' nickname (03/09)
UND asked to study 'Fighting Sioux' name again (02/17)