Monday, July 15, 2002

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Indian Country advocates in the House on Friday moved to defeat legislation that would limit the federal government's responsibilities to 500,000 trust fund account holders....

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Tribes throughout the country remain mired in poverty despite attempts to stimulate economic development and increase opportunities for tribal members, according to a new Congressional study....

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Trust fund historical accounting plan greeted with skepticism, Bush administration reverses recognition of Chinook Nation, Congress takes on Native elder care issues, and nuclear waste dump gets approval....

The Prairie Island Dakota Tribe of Minnesota held its annual Prairie Dakota Wacipi Celebration this weekend....

"When the Seattle School Board voted to get rid of the Indians mascot for West Seattle High, a battle was won. But not the war -- not by a long shot....

"To most Americans, nation building seems part of our past....

"A few days ago I celebrated my first wedding anniversary....

A Montana woman was given two years probation on Wednesday for her part in a prescription drug scheme at an Indian Health Service hospital on the Crow Reservation....

A Bureau of Indian Affairs officer shot and killed an unidentified man on the Crow Reservation in Montana on Saturday....

Cristina "Tina" Danforth was elected chair of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin's tribal council on Saturday....

The Crow Nation of Montana recently honored Tommy Whiteman, the tribe's first professional athlete....

Robert Bennett, Commissioner of Indian Affairs during the Lyndon Johnson administration, died at a New Mexico hospital on Thursday....

A group called Connecticut Citizens Against Casinos has been created in response to the recent federal recognition of the Eastern Pequot Tribe....

"The Day should pay more attention to federal Indian policy and its consequences....

A Democratic hopeful for Congress who wants to terminate the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation of Connecticut says he is not out of the race....

Members of First Nations in British Columbia were on hand Sunday as scientists reunited an orphaned killer whale with family members in Canada....

The Bureau of Indian Affairs is allowing federal funding for the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma, the tribe's elected chief said....

The first Shiprock Youth Conference was held on the Navajo Nation in New Mexico last week....

Ranchers on the Tohono O'odham Reservation in Arizona have suffered at least $500,000 in damages due to a prolonged drought....

The Southern Arizona Chapter of the American Red Cross held a blood drive on Sunday for a member of the Pascua Yaqui Tribe....

Tribes in the Pacific Northwest, like those elsewhere in the country, are developing revenue- and power-generating businesses....

The Bush administration's pledge to scuttle a nuclear waste facility on a Utah reservation was a ruse, supporters and opponents of the Skull Valley Goshute Tribe charge....

A House committee won't fund a full historical accounting of the Individual Indian Money (IIM) trust back to 1887 because it won't be "cost effective," The Wall Street Journal reports today....

The Assembly of First Nations is holding its 23rd annual meeting in Quebec, Canada, this week....