Are you an expert in rain dances? If so, a reporter for
The Arizona Republic wants to hear from you!
Dancing In The Rain by Vera Kratochvil.
Sonja Haller -- who describes her writing style as "soulful" -- is working on a story and put this request out:
I'm looking for someone with expertise on Native American rain
dances. Also, looking to talk to anyone else who has knowledge
or experience with ceremonies and rituals that specifically seek
to invoke rain, whether it's of the Native American tradition or
She'd prefer someone in Arizona but she's not that picky. "Academics, authors, mystics, tribal leaders, folklorists & historians welcome to respond," she adds.
Might we suggest
former U.S. Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Republican of Colorado. No? That would be offensive!
The deadline is June 22, so send a note to and help a reporter out.
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