tag: jurisdiction

'Remember Our SIsters - Forever in Our Hearts'
A federal judge who was once praised for his work in understanding Native issues resigned following an investigation into sexual misconduct.
Cherokee Nation
Juneteenth marks a joyous moment in American history — the final emancipation of enslaved African Americans.
Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs is once again taking a close look at public safety in Indian Country.
Sac and Fox Nation Powwow
Tribal citizens are seeing an increase in targeted stops and fines by non-Indian law enforcement in Oklahoma despite a long-standing sovereignty victory.
Supai Village
Join Native America Calling to discuss some of the current limits and possibilities for exerting sovereign influence over tribal airspace.
Owasso, Oklahoma
The leader of the Cherokee Nation is “heartbroken” over the passing of a 16-year-old who died within reservation boundaries in Oklahoma.
Deb Haaland
Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland delivers remarks about tribal sovereignty and Native women’s safety.
Greg Gianforte
Local officials say the clock is ticking for the state to assume felony law enforcement duties on the Flathead Reservation.
utetribeUintah and Ouray Reservation
The Ute Tribe is banning non-members from engaging in hunting, fishing and other outdoor recreational activities on its lands in Utah.
Chuck Hoskin
Cross-deputization helps solve the great challenge of multiple law enforcement agencies exercising their respective authority over the same geographic area.
Greg Gianforte
So far, the Montana governor’s office has not said how the state plans to handle law enforcement duties on the Flathead Reservation.
Flathead Reservation
A Montana county is pulling out of a decades-old agreement after saying it can no longer afford the costs of law enforcement on the Flathead Reservation.
Not One More: Findings and Recommendations of the Not Invisible Act Commission
A national commission of federal and tribal experts is calling for a “Decade of Action and Healing” to help address the crisis of missing, murdered and trafficked people in Indian Country.
Sara E. Hill
Sara E. Hill, the former attorney general of the Cherokee Nation, is making history as a nominee to the federal bench.
Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe is making history with a new housing project in the state of New York.
“What we need is real action. And that means boots on the ground, and that means real money to address this crisis,” said MMIW advocate Justine Rufus.
Chuck Hoskin
Tribal nations stand ready to continue our legacy of making Oklahoma vibrant and strong.
Burning Man
The Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe is speaking out after a viral video showed outsiders being removed from a highway in an incident that took place during one of the busiest times on the reservation.
Narragansett Tribe
Forty years of federal recognition and the Narragansett people are still fighting for what’s rightfully ours.
White Earth Land Recovery Project
From growing hemp to fighting pipelines, Winona LaDuke has launched a large number of organizations, businesses and initiatives. Here’s a look at some of her environmental efforts.
'Every Child Matters' at U.S. Supreme Court
With one negative ruling on the books and a potentially devastating one on the way, tribal leaders continue to look to the Biden administration to address the impacts of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Blackfeet Nation
A dispute over who can exercise jurisdiction over COVID-19 policies on the Blackfeet Nation is in federal court.
U.S. Supreme Court
A decision from the nation’s highest court opens tribal lands to state jurisdiction — even though tribes have not consented to the imposition.
Regan Loggans
Just as courts are working through jurisdictional boundaries for the other tribes, the Osage Nation is facing an erosion of its sovereignty.
U.S. Supreme Court
The Biden administration is hosting two listening sessions to hear from tribes about a controversial U.S. Supreme Court decision.
Larry Wright Jr.
The largest inter-tribal advocacy organization in the United States is forging ahead with a new executive as tribes continue to confront challenges to their sovereignty.
Harold Frazier
Mni Wiconi means water is life, and no one will silence our Native peoples.
Oglala Lakota Nation
Citizens of the Oglala Sioux Tribe overwhelmingly voted to legalize recreational and medical marijuana on their homelands.
Women's March
Federal and state abortion restrictions have been interfering with tribal sovereignty for years.
U.S. Supreme Court
Since tribes are sovereign nations, with their own laws, could they offer abortion services on their lands within states that may soon outlaw abortion?
U.S. Supreme Court
As the retrograde Supreme Court has taken steps back in time, it has struck a reactionary blow against the tribal sovereignty of this land’s Indigenous nations.
Yvette Roubideaux
The National Congress of American Indians is bidding farewell to one of its highest-ranking employees as the organization’s top executive remains on leave.
U.S. Supreme Court
Tribal leaders and legal scholars are preparing for what they say are the significant and long lasting effects of a Supreme Court decision.
U.S. Supreme Court
Make no mistake, this decision was woefully ignorant at best, and intended to severely undercut the political autonomy of our Indian Nations.
Chuck Hoskin Jr.
A narrow majority of the U.S. Supreme Court has ignored its sacred responsibility to uphold the law when it comes to federal treaties with Native sovereign nations.
The Great Hall of the U.S. Supreme Court
The nation’s highest court has reversed course when it comes to state jurisdiction in Indian Country.
U.S. Supreme Court
States can prosecute non-Natives for crimes against Native people on tribal lands, the nation’s highest court held in a closely-divided ruling.
Melanie Stansbury
“Congress must consult with our tribal nations to find a meaningful path forward,” said Rep. Melanie Stansbury (D-New Mexico), a member of the House Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States.
U.S. Supreme Court
“This decision will undoubtedly result in an increase in violent crimes being committed in Indian Country,” said Lucy SImpson of the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center.
Fawn Sharp
“The Supreme Court’s decision today is an attack on tribal sovereignty and the hard-fought progress of our ancestors to exercise our inherent sovereignty over our own territories,” said National Congress of American Indians President Fawn Sharp.