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Native America Calling: Is the sky the limit for tribal sovereignty?
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Is the sky the limit for tribal sovereignty?
Tribes can enact laws and take actions that relate to tribal land. But the ability for tribes to dictate what happens in the skies over that land is less clear.

The Federal Aviation Administration is the main authority controlling the use of airspace. But the growing proliferation of drones and small personal aircraft is prompting researchers and some tribes to explore how to assert jurisdiction to what happens overhead.

Join Native America Calling to discuss some of the current limits and possibilities for exerting sovereign influence over tribal airspace.

Supai Village
A helicopter is seen at Supai Village on the Havasupai Reservation in Arizona. Photo: Jonathan Boeke

Guests on Native America Calling
Jacob Taylor (Curve Lake First Nation), CEO of Indigenous Aerospace

Jonathan Cordova, geography student at the University of Montana

Robert Gifford (citizen of the Cherokee Nation), Native American law attorney and tribal court judge

Shelly Knight, cyberinfrastructure facilitator at American Indian Higher Education Consortium

native america calling
Native America Calling
Listen to Native America Calling every weekday at 1pm Eastern.
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