Latest Headlines
Wounded Knee Memorial Run
On a Saturday evening, one could hear the low throaty growl of motorcycle engines coming from a distance, in honor of the ancestors killed at Wounded Knee.

NAGPRA has been on the books for 30 years but it’s been slow work to return ancestors and cultural property into the care of tribes.

Jonathan Nez
The Navajo Nation is receiving its first doses of the Monkeypox vaccine as experts and providers in Indian Country respond to the latest public health threat.

Monument Valley
The newly-signed Inflation Reduction Act brings millions of dollars in new investments for tribal nations.

Rosie Flute and Chuck Hoskin Jr.
We understand that saving the Cherokee language is a mission we quite simply cannot fail.

NAFOA: 5 Things You Need to Know this Week
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Person reading braille
The resurgence of language revitalization helps keep cultural connections and exercise sovereignty. But it leaves out those who are visually impaired.

Jamie Okuma
Artists from hundreds of Native nations are tending to their booths in the streets of Santa Fe, New Mexico, selling works they’ve labored for months to prepare.

FEMA National Tribal Strategy
The Federal Emergency Management Agency announces the release of its National Tribal Strategy.

Santa Fe Indian Market
The Southwestern Association for Indian Arts marks the 100th Santa Fe Indian Market, a place to buy works directly from Native creators.

Salmon at Willamette Falls
Join Native America Calling for updates on trouble spots for salmon in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest.

U.S. Capitol
The newly-signed Inflation Reduction Act will bring more than $720 million to American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian communities, according to the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs.

Deb Haaland
The Advisory Committee on Reconciliation in Place Names will address racist and derogatory terms across the country.

Yellowstone County Courthouse in Montana
A Native voting rights lawsuit led by Western Native Voice and four tribal governments is underway in Montana.

Oglala Lakota Nation
Citizens of the Oglala Sioux Tribe overwhelmingly voted to legalize recreational and medical marijuana on their homelands.

Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley’s profound popularity continues to resonate with many Native music fans.

Dante Desiderio
The nation’s oldest and largest inter-tribal advocacy organization has “parted ways” with its highest-ranking employee, who had been on the job for barely a year.

Women's March
Federal and state abortion restrictions have been interfering with tribal sovereignty for years.

Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians
The Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians is welcoming new members to its governing body.

NAFOA stays on top of the news so you always start your week informed and ready.

Protect Oak Flat
A long-running political, legal and environmental dispute over a copper mine on sacred Apache land in Arizona shows no signs of ending anytime soon.

Chuck Hoskin Jr.
We have a responsibility to step up for our farmers and ranchers in their time of need.

Native America Calling NAC
There’s a new surge of efforts to ban books by Native authors and other works that challenge colonial conventional wisdom.

Monarch Butterfly
Tribes are among those helping to protect the monarch butterfly, for both cultural and environmental reasons.

White House
The Biden administration is working to improve high-speed internet in American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian communities.

San Carlos Apache Tribe Officials, 3rd LAR honor fallen Marine with building dedication
U.S. Marine Corps Pfc. Michael A. Noline was killed in action in Operation Desert Storm.

Grounded in Clay: The Spirit of Pueblo Pottery
For the first time in a century, Native people have a voice in how a massive collection of pottery is treated.

Oklahoma Indian Gaming Association
The tribal casino industry has rebounded dramatically despite the ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, with revenues reaching a record high.

Okpik: Little Village in the Arctic
A film crew follows an Inuit and Gwich’in hunter as he builds a traditional Inuvialuit log cabin off the grid.

Ernestine Anunkasan Hupa
Tim Giago left an indelible mark on journalism that can never be erased.

Tim Giago and Jackie Giago
Many times over the past 30 years, Tim Giago shared the story behind the founding of Native American Day in South Dakota.

Native America Calling NAC
A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention paints a distressing increase in overdose deaths among Native people.

Dawn Walker
Dawn Walker has been accused of faking her disappearance and that of her child in a case that attracted widespread attention in Canada.

Jonathan Nez and Chad Abeyta
President Jonathan Nez of the Navajo Nation has a new running mate as he seeks a second term in office. His rival, meanwhile, made a historic announcement of his own.

U.S. Capitol
Democrats are claiming an election season achievement with the passage of a massive bill that includes hundreds of millions of dollars in climate and energy investments in Indian Country.

Pope Francis
No Native entity knows the answers and to truly heal we need our children returned to our homes.

NAFOA supports all parts of our community — from students to executive leaders.

Clifford and Esther Littledave
All families deserve to live in safety and dignity, without fear of losing their homes.

North American Indian Tennis Association
A group of Native tennis enthusiasts formed their own organization 50 years ago and it’s grown into a collection of competitions, youth tennis camps and regular recreational meet-ups.

Jonathan Nez
The 100th anniversary of the Gallup Intertribal Ceremonial in New Mexico was marred by violence after a car drove into the crowd and parade, causing injuries and wreaking havoc on the opening day of the highly-anticipated event.