Latest Headlines
Salt River Fire
A fire that broke out at a landfill on the Salt River Reservation had been reduced to a smolder earlier this week.

'Free Peltier Now'
Nearly three dozens members of the U.S. Congress are calling on President Joe Biden to release American Indian Movement activist Leonard Peltier from prison.

Jodi Rave Spotted Bear
Once virtually absent in mainstream newsrooms, Native women are reporting on hard-hitting political issues and are often driving the narrative on issues important for all Native people.

Transcend Art Collective
Basket designs, rug patterns, tribal images and corn illustrations are all among the graphics many Indigenous tattoo wearers display.

Jacob Johns
A Native activist is hospitalized in critical but stable condition following a near deadly shooting that has attracted worldwide attention.

Rio Arriba County Courthouse
A man accused of shooting a Native activist remains behind bars after his attempted murder case was suddenly transferred to a new court in New Mexico.

Cherokee Indian Reservation
Citizens of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians overwhelmingly voted in favor of allowing recreational cannabis use on the tribe’s reservation. What happens next?

Jennifer Denetdale
The shooting of Jacob Johns is yet another act of terror that Indigenous people who live in New Mexico must navigate every day.

Native America Calling NAC
Join Native America Calling to hear from activists about the growing challenges to peaceful protests over racial issues.

Melanie Yazzie
The Red Nation is calling for safety following a racist shooting that has resulted in attempted murder and aggravated assault charges in New Mexico.

Geoffrey Blackwell
The National Congress of American Indians, the nation’s largest inter-tribal advocacy organization, has a new general counsel and a new chief of staff.

It’s #NAFOAFall23 Week! More than 800 tribal leaders, financial professionals, and industry experts are in attendance in Arizona.

Laphonza Butler
Laphonza Butler, the president of the well-known EMILY’s List voting group, will serve out the remainder of the U.S. Senate term of the late Dianne Feinstein.

Crazy Mountains
The high-profile proposal involving more than 15 square miles and seven landowners drew more than 1,000 public comments.

“What we need is real action. And that means boots on the ground, and that means real money to address this crisis,” said MMIW advocate Justine Rufus.

Chuck Hoskin
Tribal nations stand ready to continue our legacy of making Oklahoma vibrant and strong.

Henry Boucha - Warroad Warrior
Henry Boucha (Ojibwe) served as an inspiration for many Native hockey athletes and fans. He passed away on September 18, 2023, at the age of 72.

Juan de Oñate Monument
Racist violence reared its ugly head again when a Native man was shot on Pueblo homelands during a peaceful protest against colonization in northern New Mexico.

Reservation Dogs
After three seasons, the hit FX series Reservation Dogs has come to an end.

Crystalyne Curley
The Navajo Nation Council is 100 years old this year – and the Navajo Nation’s fight for water access has been going on for at least that long.

Bidii Baby Foods
Native baby food, a new Native cookbook and Hispanic heritage are on The Menu.

Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs holds an oversight hearing on water in Native communities on September 27, 2023.

Lakota Nation vs United States
In the U.S. government’s long record of broken treaties, land theft, and genocide, the taking of the Black Hills ranks as one of the most disgraceful examples of imperial aggression.

Fawn Sharp
Indian Country is on high alert as the U.S. government prepares for a possible shutdown, the first of its kind in more than three years.

Native America Calling NAC
A coalition of tribal organizations is warning about the potential damage of a federal government shutdown to tribal citizens.

The government may be shutting down, but NOT #NAFOAFall23!

Tom Cole
Our country must address the mental health crisis and improve access to suicide and crisis intervention services to prevent death and injury from suicide attempts.

Chuck Hoskin
Cherokee leaders throughout history have known that informed citizens are the backbone of our thriving democracy.

Pontiac's Council
Native America Calling will recount how Chief Pontiac and his allies changed the direction of colonial expansion 260 years ago.

Andy Biggs and Eli Crane
Two Arizona lawmakers were among five Republicans who broke ranks and voted to block a defense authorization bill, the latest twist in a budget fight that could cause a government shutdown.

Operation Rainbow Bridge
Join Native America Calling to find out the latest on the efforts to help the Native people harmed by a massive Medicaid scam in Arizona.

Iqaluit, Nunavut
Criminal charges have been laid against three family members who lied about being indigenous for personal and monetary gain.

Eugene Peltola Moment of Silence

The House Committee on Natural Resources observes a moment of silence for Eugene “Buzzy” Peltola, the late spouse of Rep. Mary Peltola (D-Alaska).

Alex Padilla
The infusion of federal money for infrastructure projects is only a first step toward fixing deep problems with water systems on tribal lands.

Mount Blue Sky
Until this month, one of Colorado’s highest peaks was named for the former state governor who fostered and supported the Sand Creek Massacre in 1864.

Lahaina on Maui, Hawaii
Native America Calling checks in with the rebuilding effort in Hawaii following disastrous fires on Maui.

H.R.663 - Native American Child Protection Act
The U.S. House of Representatives considers H.R.663, the Native American Child Protection Act, on September 18, 2023.

H.R.3371 - Wounded Knee Massacre Memorial and Sacred Site Act
The U.S. House of Representatives considers H.R.3371, the Wounded Knee Massacre Memorial and Sacred Site Act, on September 18, 2023.

Native America Calling NAC
The newest survey from the Pew Charitable Trusts concludes suicide is an urgent public health issue — especially among Native people.

Gigi Modrich
The countdown to #NAFOAFall23 is on!