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The Week in Review
ending June 23
Joe Medicine Crow dedicates Peace Memorial in Montana
Joe Medicine Crow
At Peace Memorial" in Montana.
June 24, 2001.
Photo © AP.
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Want In The Hoop's list of the week's Winners and Losers? Wait no more.

Tribe wins Supreme Court case
In the one sole victory for Indian Country so far, the Coeur d'Alene Tribe of Idaho won its Supreme Court case this week.

The Court narrowly determined that the tribe is the rightful owner of the southern third of Lake Coeur d'Alene. The decision ends a long running dispute with the state and affirms the tribe's historical and cultural connection to the lake.

With the Court set to adjourn this month, the Justices have two more cases on which they must rule. Tribal court authority may be limited while tribes may be subject to taxation on gaming revenues.

Get the Story:
Coeur d'Alene Tribe wins lake ownership case (6/19)
Supreme Court Roundup: The 2000-2001 Term (6/19)

Republicans launch attack on Indian gaming
A group of Republican members of Congress who have criticized the Bureau of Indian Affairs on federal recognition moved onto another area of Indian policy: gaming.

Hoping to stop what they see as proliferation of tribal casinos, the group -- led by Reps. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) and Chris Shays (R-Conn.) -- introduced a bill requiring more state and federal oversight of gaming. Some tribal and state officials say the bill is a bad idea for tribal and state sovereignty while others who want more control over tribes welcomed the proposal.

Get the Story:
Changes to gaming law sought (6/19)
Gaming critics seek more control over tribes (6/20)
In The Hoop: Casino Bill Roundup (6/20)

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