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The Week in Review
ending December 2
George W. Bush and Al Gore
David Boies, Lawyer for Al Gore.
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Nation focuses on Supreme Court
The United States Supreme Court got a lot of attention this week due to the important role they may play in deciding the fate of the Presidency.

The attention comes as no surprise to Indian Country. This week, the Court agreed to hear a taxation dispute involving the Navajo Nation. Their ruling will have a dramatic effect on the ability for tribal governments to collect revenues from business within their reservations.

Similarly, the Court will soon hear a case involving the trust relationship between tribes and the federal government. How sacred is the relationship and can it be limited under certain circumstances?

Like the election dispute, the Court will no doubt focus on old laws, treaties, and principles of Indian law. Next year, we'll be paying close attention to the outcome of these cases.

Get the Story:
Supreme Court to take on taxation (11/28)
Crow fate may rest in decision (11/28)
Tribe still considering appeal (Tribal Law 11/29)
Trust relationship questioned by case (11/30)
Old laws, treaties familiar to Court (12/1)

Everyone claims victory
Almost a month after the country went to the polls, we still don't have an undisputed President.

George W. Bush says he's got it and starts setting up a government. Al Gore says he's got it and files more lawsuits. Maybe they just should go with the with, like John Potter does...

In all the disarray, the real winners may turn out to be tribes. With the defeat of Senator Slade Gorton of Washington, a message is being sent out loud and clear to potential foes of Indian Country: Watch out and you might get voted out of office.

There still may be lingering questions, however. Gorton's plans for the future are still in doubt, now that he has been defeated by Maria Cantwell. And if Rick Lazio, who lost to First Lady Hillary Clinton, ends up becoming the head of HUD, will he visit those tribes out West whom he said were "given" land?

Get the Story:
John Potter: Go with the flow... (11/27)
Bush, Tribal leaders claim victory (11/27)
Will Gorton be part of Bush team? (11/28)
Presidential election update (11/29)
Presidential election update (11/30)
Lazio eyed for HUD post (12/1)

more stories
There's still more to read in the recap of the week's top stories.

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