Monday, April 15, 2002

Featured Story

Court seeks additional oversight of trust reform, Republicans push drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, state sues for taxes from Winnebago Tribe, and tribe wants old human remains returned....

Featured Story

In case you didn't remember, it's time to turn in your federal tax return! You've got until midnight tonight to get to the post office and pay tribute to Uncle Sam before he sends the state of Kansas after you and throws you in jail....

Featured Story

When five American Indians filed a lawsuit seeking a proper accounting of their trust assets, they cited 500,000 fellow plaintiffs in their class action filing....

Native women have the lowest cancer survival rate in the United States, according to federal statistics....

The Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma has told New York Gov....

It's a sound worse than nails across a chalkboard....

A non-Indian couple has set up a web site that criticizes the Crow Tribe of Montana for not turning over a juvenile to local law enforcement authorities....

The seventh annual Navajo Knowledge Bowl was held in Shiprock, New Mexico, last week....

Two Indian filmmakers from Bolivia have received an award for promoting the use of video technology in their country....

The Tamastslikt Cultural Institute on the Umatilla Reservation in Oregon is playing host to a traveling exhibit of Indian blankets and glasswork by artist Dale Chihuly....

A New Mexico man who pleaded guilty to killing a Navajo mother took the stand on Friday to testify against his co-defendant....

When it comes to science, Native people and Westerners often see things from different perspectives....

The annual spring session of the Navajo Nation council begins today in Window Rock, Arizona....

The Catholic Bishops of Alaska last week sent a letter to 50,000 Catholics outlining the state's subsistence debate....

The state of Kansas and four tribes are back in court again over a proposed casino....

The Makah Nation of Washington won't be paying for any whale hunts this year, having cut the entire budget for the controversial exercise of treaty rights....

The Arizona Republic is running a series on Indian health, noting the problems and disparate treatment provided to Native Americans....

A series of hearings are being held in Saskatchewan this week to examine the way Aboriginals are treated by the justice system....

The Innu First Nation of Labrador reduced its land claim last year after the federal government threatened to cut off money to the band, CBC reports today....

Sid Hill was installed on Sunday as the spiritual leader of the traditional Iroquois Confederation....

A member of the Cherokee Nation has been appointed as the federal security director at the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport in Texas....

Dozens of tribal representatives met last week to continue planning for the upcoming Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Commemoration of 2003-2006....

The Nizipuhwahsin Center is a private school on the Blackfeet Reservation in Montana whose goal is to teach the first new generation of tribal members fluent in Piegan....

Researchers who examined thousands of Native American bones found a 50 percent increase in traumatic injuries after the arrival of Columbus....

The Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska this week plans on filing suit in federal court in a dispute over gas taxes allegedly owed to the state of Kansas....

Hunters in the Inuit territory of Nunavut, Canada, are getting ready for their annual whale hunt....