Brandon Ecoffey
A note from the editor’s desk
By Brandon Ecoffey
LCT Editor Last month, the National Commission on Voting Rights released a report that highlighted some of the difficulties minority voters face when attempting to vote. With the 2016 elections right around the corner the information is important if the Native population in South Dakota plans to finally flex its power at the ballot box The report included suggestions that voter registration must be made easier by making changes to the system to allow for voters to register online and to allow potential voters to register online. In today’s fast pace world there is really no excuse that modern day technology is not being employed to recruit more of the population to participate in the democratic process. Additionally, the release mentioned some of the difficulties that minority voters will face during next year’s election including long lines and limited access to the ballot box for people with disabilities. The reality is that there are powerful forces that have a vested interest in keeping our people from voting. It’s plain and simple and the evidence of these efforts can be found in a majority of the voting records of most state legislatures. To overcome these efforts against us and the expression of our political will, both tribal nations and local organizers must begin the effort now to make people aware of not only the importance of the Native vote but of the efforts being made to stifle it. With the term limits of South Dakota Sen. Jim Bradford coming to an end it may be likely that Pine Ridge resident and current state representative Kevin Killer will announce a run for the vacant Senate seat. Killer is a rising political star not only in South Dakota but across Indian Country and the limits to how far he can go will be determined by the willingness of Lakota country to unite behind his efforts now. If Killer does decide to move over to the Senate his current seat in the South Dakota House of Representatives can be filled by another aspiring young person from our community. There is no shortage of bright, talented, and educated people in our communities. With election time coming next fall it is time to start gathering support for them because our opposition is already organizing against us. Brandon Ecoffey is the editor of Lakota Country Times and an award winning journalist who was born and raised on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Find the award-winning Lakota Country Times on the Internet, Facebook and Twitter.
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