The Apache Stronghold, mostly members of the San Carlos Apache Tribe, traveled 2,000 miles from Arizona to Washington, D.C. for a protest at the U.S. Capitol on July 22, 2015. Photo by Indianz.Com
Attorney Tara Houska talks with the Apache Stronghold about the importance of sacred Oak Flat to the San Carlos Apache Tribe of Arizona:
The destruction of Oak Flat will signify a continued history of dispossessing lands from Native Americans and disregard for Native religions. Though Oak Flat is part of the Tonto National Forest, it is through no fault of the Apaches that their sacred site was not included in the boundaries of the reservation. Indeed, the nearby Apache Leap is so named for the Apache people that jumped from the mountain to their deaths rather surrender to U.S. troops in the late 1800s. But there is a glimmer of hope. On June 16, Representative Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) introduced H.R. 2811, the Save Oak Flat Act. The legislation would repeal the NDAA rider and prevent the destruction of a sacred site. “Indigenous people aren’t dust under the carpet, they can’t keep pretending we’ve been swept away and don’t exist,” said 16-year old San Carlos Apache member Naelyn Pike to ICTMN. Her 14-year old sister Nizhoni went through the coming-of-age ceremony last October. “I know they can hear us and they’re watching,” Naelyn continued, “when we walked here from the White House, we were followed by the CIA, the police, and undercover people…they were afraid of us.” The gathering at the Capitol was a mixture of Native Americans clad in Oak Flat t-shirts and business suits alike, curious tourists, and watchful security. The Indians were in D.C., and they were angry. The U.S. government was continuing its long history of taking from Native Americans, and it had almost gotten away with it sans mainstream scrutiny. But the spotlight is on. Despite the efforts of Congressional members to diminish the site to a “campground”, more and more attention is being brought to the rider that quietly passed in December. Environmental organizations, churches, local mining groups, and the media are joining the cause to save a Native American sacred site.Get the Story:
Tara Houska: Oak Flat Can Never Be Replaced (Indian Country Today 7/29)
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