
Sami Jo Difuntorum: Support needed for Indian housing update

Sami Jo Difuntorum. Photo from NAIHC

Sami Jo Difuntorum, the chairwoman of the National American Indian Housing Council, asks Indian Country to support passage of H.R.360, a bill to reauthorize the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act:
Since October 2013, the most effective program for providing safe, affordable, quality housing in Indian country, the Native American Housing and Self Determination Act (NAHASDA), has not been reauthorized. Enacted in 1996, this program has allowed tribes to determine how their housing dollars would be spent, and has proven successful in creating homeownership opportunities that might not have existed. In late 2014, the House passed a bill (H.R. 4329) reauthorizing this important legislation, but a Senate version stalled before the 113th Congress ended.

With the start of the 114th Congress, the House, and Congressman Steve Pearce (R-NM) have again introduced legislation that supports NAHASDA Reauthorization (H.R. 360). With strong bipartisan support, NAIHC looks forward to swift passage of this bill and hopes that the Senate follows suit.

We need the support of Indian Country for this legislation. We need the support of our friends in low-income and affordable housing. We need your support. Please contact your congressional delegation and let them know that you stand behind NAHASDA Reauthorization’s swift passage.

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Sami Jo Difuntorum: Let’s Pass Indian Housing Reauthorization (Indian Country Today 1/28)

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