Ojibwe environmental activist Winona LaDuke wants everyone to know she isn't on the Green Party's presidential ticket this year.
In 1996 and 2000, LaDuke was activist Ralph Nader's running mate. This year, Nader has once again thrown his hat into the ring.
"I just want to let you know I'm not running for vice president," LaDuke said at the University of Montana yesterday, The Montana Kaimin reported. "In case you’re wondering and don't want to wait till the end to ask."
LaDuke was on campus for two talks about Indian environmentalism. She spoke of the need to create sustainable economies based on traditional values. She said the poor social conditions of Indian people can be traced to negative federal policies.
Get the Story:
Indian health intertwined with land, LaDuke says
(The Missoulian 2/26)
Lecturer: Indian culture teaches energy sustainability (The Montana Kaimin 2/26)
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http://www.honorearth.orgWhite Earth Land Recovery Project -