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Column: Tribal casinos in Wisconsin show only modest growth

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The new Indian Gaming Industry report is out.

Tribal gaming in Wisconsin grew 1.6 percent in 2012, according to Casino City’s Indian Gaming Industry Report:
Alan Meister, an economist with Nathan Associates Inc., authored the 2014 edition of Casino City’s Indian Gaming Industry Report. Meister’s analysis is considered the most comprehensive and updated research on national Indian gaming issues.

According to Meister, revenue at Indian gaming facilities across the country grew by 2 percent in 2012 to about $28.1 billion. That marked the third straight year of Indian casino growth across the United States, according to Meister’s findings.

Here in Wisconsin, Indian casino revenue also appears on the upswing, he noted.

“While Wisconsin Indian gaming experienced only modest gaming revenue growth of 1.6 percent in 2012, it was a positive turnaround from the downward trend over the previous four years,” Meister said in an email.

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John Ferak: New study spotlights pluses, minuses for Indian casinos (The Appleton Post-Crescent 4/1)

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