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Chris Stearns, Navajo, to join Washington gaming commission

Filed Under: Public Relations | Regulation
More on: chris stearns, navajo, washington
Chris Stearns, a member of the Navajo Nation, has been appointed to the Washington State Gambling Commission.

Stearns has a long career in Indian law. He serves as counsel to Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Walker, an Indian law firm, and worked for the House Natural Resources Committee and for the Energy Department during the Clinton administration.

Stearns currently serves as a member of the Seattle Human Rights Commission. He's also on the board of the Seattle Indian Health Board.

Stearns will attend his first meeting of the Washington Gambling Commission next month. He will be subject to a confirmation hearing in the state Legislature.

Get the Story:
Press Release: NEW COMMISSIONER APPOINTED TO THE GAMBLING COMMISSION (Washington State Gambling Commission 5/31)

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