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Judge won't toss Twenty-Nine Palms casino corruption case

Filed Under: California
More on: crime, twenty nine palms
A federal judge refused to drop charges in connection with corruption and fraud at the casino owned by the Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians in California.

The tribe's attorney, Gary Edward Kovall, is accused of steering contracts at the Spotlight 29 Casino to associates. Federal prosecutors say he received kickbacks in exchange.

Judge Michael W. Fitzgerald said there was enough information in the indictment to show a link between Kovall, the contracts and the alleged kickbacks. Prosecutors say $186,577 was funneled to Kovall, mostly through his wife, who also has been charged in the case.

Turtle Talk has posted documents from the case, US v. Kovall.

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Tribe's Atty Can't Evade Charges In Casino Kickbacks Scheme (Law360 3/25)
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