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Menominee Nation still confident on off-reservation casino

Filed Under: Casino Stalker
More on: bia, eis, igra, land-into-trust, menominee, off-reservation, scott walker, two-part determination, wisconsin
Menominee Nation Chairman Craig Corn expects a decision on his tribe's off-reservation casino by the end of the month, The Kenosha News reports.

The Bureau of Indian Affairs issued a final environmental impact statement for the casino in Kenosha, Wisconsin. If it's approved, Gov. Scott Walker (R) will get a year to decide under the two-part determination provisions of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act.

Given the timeline, the Kenosha County Board voted to extend an agreement with the tribe for another two years. The Kenosha City Council also extended its agreement.

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County board extends casino agreement (The Kenosha News 3/21)

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