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Members of Yurok Tribe endorse plan for casino development

Filed Under: California | Openings and Closings
More on: elections, per caps, yurok
It looks like the Yurok Tribe of California will be getting into the Indian gaming business.

The results aren't certified but tribal members voted in favor of using $9.6 million to finance a casino. Construction will likely start in late March, Chairman Thomas O'Rourke told The Eureka Times-Standard.

The $9.6 million is coming from the tribe's $27.5 million trust settlement. The remainder will be distributed to members on a per capita basis.

Get the Story:
Yurok Tribe: Special election supports hotel-casino; construction likely to start in March (The Eureka Times-Standard 2/22)
Tribe says money distribution plan approved (The Triplicate 2/21)
The Yurok Casino Wager (The North Coast Journal 2/21)

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