tag: tim giago

ICT, the news publication formerly known as Indian Country Today, will no longer be posting new content on Twitter.
Tim Giago
“Write to your people,” the legendary Native journalist Tim Giago would say. “Others will read it too, but your people are your audience.”
Ernestine Anunkasan Hupa
Tim Giago left an indelible mark on journalism that can never be erased.
Tim Giago and Jackie Giago
Many times over the past 30 years, Tim Giago shared the story behind the founding of Native American Day in South Dakota.
Tim Giago
It has my honor and privilege to be associated with Tim Giago for 17 years.
Tim Giago
Tim Giago wore many hats in his long, eventful life. He was a son, a brother, an uncle, a grandfather, a sailor, a poet, a businessman, an entrepreneur, a talk show host, a journalist, an editor, an author, and a publisher.
Native America Calling NAC
Advocates for eliminating blood quantum say it’s necessary to ensure future generations of thriving tribal culture.
Tim Giago
The founder of modern Indian journalism has passed on. Tim Giago was 88 years old.
Tim Giago
Lakota journalist and publisher Tim Giago has undergone several surgeries and his family is raising funds to make his home more accessible.
Pope Francis
Christian churches destroyed the lives of more Lakota boys and girls than they will ever know.
Black Hills Land Claim
The poorest of people in all of America refuse to accept one single penny for the theft of the Black Hills.
Tim Giago
It is high time that Indian organizations stand up and truly represent the people they claim to represent.
Tim Giago
Richard “Sonny” Torres loved to give people nicknames.
Lakota Times
I tell all writers then and now, if you come out to Indian Country to write about us, do your damned homework.
Native Sun News Today
We want to wish all of our readers a very Happy New Year and hope that 2022 brings you the best.
Holy Rosary Mission
The unholy impact of Indian boarding schools left its mark to the detriment of thousands of Native children.
Leonard Little Finger
I raise my coffee cup to Lakota elders who taught me so much.
Patrick Albert Lee
It is with deep sadness that I write this small tribute to my friend of 80 years, Pat Lee.
Lacy Graham
The COVID-19 epidemic has taken its toll on Native people across America.
Tim Giago
From Sean Sherman aka The Sioux Chef to poet laureate Joy Harjo, here are ways you can observe Native American Heritage Month.
Holy Rosary Mission
As the years pass there are not too many of the boys and girls forced to attend boarding schools still living.
Tim Giago
I often write about the Holy Rosary Mission Boarding School and most often I only write about the bad things.
Tim Giago
It has taken me 87 years to travel that bumpy road called life. I think I may have a few miles left to travel.
Lloyd Goings
When I opened an office of my newspaper in Rapid City back in the 1980s one of my frequent visitors was Lloyd Goings.
Albuquerque Indian School
Indian boarding schools had a dramatic impact upon the lives of thousands of Native children.
Tim Giago
The Democratic Party gained many new members in Indian Country because of the man they called FDR.
Land Back NDN Collective
There were no Native people seated at the table on July 4, 1776.
Nick Black Elk and Family
Why did so many tribal people give up their centuries old beliefs and convert to a foreign religion?
Tim Giago
I am proud of the many newspapers I have published, but it is time for a new generation of Native journalists and editors to take over.
tomb of the unknown soldier wreath by shayai lucero
The history of Native people and the United States military goes all of the way back to the Revolutionary War.
Publisher Tim Giago has decided to sponsor a National Native American Media Convention on Native American Day in South Dakota.
Tim Giago
Every Lakota knows where we have been and now we are struggling to find out where we are going.
Tim Giago
Despite all efforts to erase Natives from the face of this continent, we are still here.
America has become a national disgrace when it comes to guns and that has to change.
Tim Giago
It is against the culture and the traditions of the Oglala Sioux Tribe to deny its own citizens equal protection under the law.
“The acknowledgement of the suffering and abuse while honoring survivors’ resiliency is long overdue,” said South Dakota Rep. Peri Pourier, a citizen of the Oglala Sioux Tribe.
Holy Rosary Mission
I am a survivor of the Holy Rosary Indian Mission Boarding School. I do not want to be honored.
Tim Giago
Nearly four decades ago, a group of Indian journalists met at the Choctaw Nation to talk about a new newspaper organization they were about to form.
As a Native American woman, Lakota lawyer Sara Boensch Collins will bring that special something to the federal bench that is, for the most part, non-existent.
Native people can only scratch their heads and wonder how, even in these final days of disgrace, so many South Dakotans and Republicans can still stand by a horrible little man.