tag: niea

Oversight Hearing to “Examine Native Communities’ Priorities for the 119th Congress”
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs hears about Native community priorities for the 119th Congress.
Oversight Hearing to “Examine Native Communities’ Priorities for the 119th Congress”
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs hears about Native community priorities for the 119th Congress.
Leaving Indian Children Behind: Reviewing the State of BIE Schools
The House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations holds a hearing on Bureau of Indian Education schools.
Department of Education
The vast majority of Native students attend public schools. What happens if the Department of Education is eliminated?
American Indian and Alaska Native Public Witness Hearing Day 3
The House Committee on Appropriations hears from American Indian and Alaska Native witnesses on February 27, 2025.
American Indian and Alaska Native Public Witness Hearing Day 3
The House Committee on Appropriations hears from American Indian and Alaska Native witnesses on February 27, 2025.
National Congress of American Indians
As tribal leaders gather in the nation’s capital, a key partner is missing from their efforts to hold the federal government accountable for its trust and treaty obligations.
S.5355, the NACIE Improvement Act
The U.S. Senate considers S.5355, the National Advisory Council on Indian Education Improvement Act, on December 3, 2024.
White House
If he lives up to his word, president-elect Donald Trump’s first day in the Oval Office will be a big one.
Nikki Santos
Another organization serving Indian Country is without a top staffer and, again, it’s for unspecified reasons.
Theodore Roosevelt School
Teachers have been in short supply across Arizona. Nowhere is that felt more than at schools run by tribes and the federal government.
House Committee on Appropriations American Indian and Alaska Native Public Witness Hearing Day 2, Morning Session
The House Committee on Appropriations heard from dozens of Indian Country leaders who testified about their funding needs.
Miguel Cardona
Following a U.S. Supreme Court decision ending affirmative action, several states are rushing to rid their higher education institutions of recruitment and inclusion programs that benefit Native students.
Repatriation of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Children at Carlisle Indian Industrial School
More teachers and administrators are turning to trauma-informed practices in the classroom.
Repatriation of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Children at Carlisle Indian Industrial School
A bill to address the harmful legacy of Indian boarding schools is getting its first hearing amid renewed attention to the painful era.
Stephen Roe Lewis and Raul Grijalva
Tribal leaders and tribal organizations are rallying in support of a bill that mandates consultation with Indian nations on actions that affect their interests.
Dorothy “Scootie” Kiyukan Ziegler, who passed away in January 2021, was passionate about Native youth, culture and horses.
Amid concerns about COVID-19 and public safety, leaders of the Navajo Nation are establishing a permanent home in Washington, D.C., to advocate for their tribe’s needs.