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Abuse can happen to anyone. It is not limited to a specific age, class, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

Conservation institutions and policies continue to exclude and discriminate against Indigenous and rural communities.

We as Native people have a humongous task of relearning our cultural teachings.

The National Park Service cited public safety concerns for its decision to prohibit access to a sacred O’odham site. But advocates see something else at work.

Larissa FastHorse, a citizen of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, has won a prestigious fellowship from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

Native America Calling NAC
People who get COVID-19 face many more potential outcomes than either death or full recovery.

Amid growing uncertainty due to COVID-19, the U.S. Supreme Court opened its latest term as Republicans remain intent on confirming a conservative judge with virtually no experience in Indian law to the nation’s highest judicial body.

Despite all of the rhetoric on Capitol Hill about enhancing tribal law and order, deterring violence against our women, and bringing our missing and murdered relatives home, nobody expresses concern about the dehumanization associated with disenrollment.

Thanks to the Trump administration, oil and gas drillers, as well as mining companies, are getting a break on royalties during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Native Americans, along with Hispanics, have the lowest colorectal screening rates in the United States.

Alaska Natives explained how climate change impacts their people in a forum hosted by Democrats on the House Committee on Natural Resources.

By helping small businesses through tough times with forgivable loans, offering tax credits in Opportunity Zones to lift up distressed communities, and investing in our infrastructure, we can get America back to work and rebuild our economy.

Although there is broad bipartisan agreement in Congress that additional coronavirus relief is needed, I regret that the status of delivering relief hasn’t changed a lot.

The Navajo Nation is cracking down on people who grow marijuana on the largest reservation in the United States.

Native America Calling NAC
The economy, abortion, the environment, criminal justice and tribal sovereignty are among the issues that top the list of non-negotiable election topics.

“I believe that Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation would have dangerous implications for Indian Country,” said Sen. Tom Udall (D-New Mexico), vice chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs.

The National Indian Gaming Commission is hosting its National Virtual Training Conference from October 6-8, 2020.

David Holt, the mayor of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, appears on Oprah Winfrey’s book club podcast.

The annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally began in 1938, I’m told, and there have been thousands of stories told about it since.

Harold Frazier
I am proud to support Joe Biden in the hopes that the agreements made between our nations in the name of peace will honored by United States of America.

Welcome to #NAFOAFall2020 Conference Week (and other important policy updates for Indian Country).

Voters of the Oglala Sioux Tribe have 11 presidential candidates to choose from, plus four running for vice president.

Cherokee Heritage Center Act
The Cherokee Heritage Center has long been a beloved site for preserving irreplaceable artifacts and educating visitors on Cherokee culture.

house committee on natural resources
Three Alaska Native witnesses are testifying about the impacts of climate change on their communities.

Alaska Native corporations top a list of Alaska-owned businesses ranked by gross revenues.

'You Are On Stolen Land'
Rapid City Mayor Steve Allender is living in a house situated on Sioux lands and his house will continue to be located on Sioux lands until a just settlement is enacted.

“All Indigenous peoples have the right to be counted in the 2020 Census,” said Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez.

Native America Calling NAC
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention list falls above crashes as the leading cause of fatal injuries for Native Americans over the age of 65.

Native American tribes are no strangers to fire. But COVID-19 has set back efforts to manage their homelands.

“Everyone in this country deserves access to reliable high-speed internet, especially during a pandemic,” said Rep. Deb Haaland (D-New Mexico), a citizen of the Pueblo of Laguna.

Native America Calling NAC
What do Native Americans look for in a Supreme Court justice? Join Native America Calling for a discussion.

With its reservation being threatened by the Trump administration, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe is backing Democrat Joe Biden for president.

It’s been over six months since Congress set aside $8 billion in COVID-19 relief for Indian Country. The battle over the funds is still not over.

President Donald Trump and Republicans sued to stop voting by mail in Montana, a state where the Native vote has been crucial.

Hopi Reservation
A “life-changing” diabetes program for Indian Country will expire unless Congress takes action.

Native America Calling NAC
The federal government is pouring billions of dollars into the effort to develop a vaccine against the coronavirus. How will Indian Country be affected?

“As the children of survivors, sharing our story and prospering into the future is our duty,” Chief Sarah S. Channing of the Seneca-Cayuga Nation said.

Colonization imposes and promotes the domination and ownership of Native women by men, as reflected in the increasing rates of violence against Native women since first contact.

Every October during Domestic Violence Awareness Month, advocates and communities across Indian Country and the United States rally together to honor survivors of domestic violence and support abuse prevention.

There is very little good news emanating from the Northern Cheyenne Reservation due to the pandemic.