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Join Native America Calling to examine the fallout from unfounded claims made by high-ranking politicians and what recourse tribes have to counter them.
“The idea of being an astronaut hadn’t even entered my mind at this point,” Marine Col. Nicole Mann told college students.
Numerous studies over the years point out the overrepresentation of Native women in U.S. prisons. Even Native girls are incarcerated at higher rates.
For Native peoples, maintaining our language is synonymous with sustaining our identity and our very way of life.
All across the country, tribes are working to find the most promising opioid treatments funded by dozens of settlements with pharmaceutical giants.
Most tribes have important traditional connections to the stars and other celestial bodies in the night sky.
A crime spree by two Ute youths in 1923 escalated into a mob of settlers bent on suppressing the nearby Ute and Paiute populations in what is now Utah.
Join Native America Calling to speak with two passionate Native language scholars about the dedication it takes to make a difference.
The most powerful earthquake ever recorded in North America struck 75 miles south of Anchorage in Alaska in March 1964.
Bestselling Blackfeet writer Stephen Graham Jones caps off his horror trilogy with The Angel of Indian Lake.
What’s on The Menu? The state of Native agriculture, wild onion season and Native matriarchs.
We are First Nations historians and professors working in Canada. Our communities are also impacted by the loss of cultural patrimony to museums in the U.S. and the laws covering repatriation.
“It’s people like Lily who are paving the way for a better tomorrow, and as you can see hard work, it does take you a long way,” said Blackfeet Nation council member Pat Armstrong.
A Lakota man is developing an archive of music by Native artists — one record and cassette tape at a time.
In a vibrant building adorned with murals on the grounds of Tohono O’odham Community College, students gather in a classroom around a U-shaped table.
The Department of Education has opened a civil rights investigation into the treatment of Native athletes at public schools in North Dakota.
Tribes are seeking to hold the Indian Health Service accountable for money they say is promised to them under self-determination contracts.
About one out of every six high school students report being bullied, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The Gila River Indian Community plans to work directly with federal officials to develop its own proposal for water sharing on the Colorado River.
The U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments in Becerra v. San Carlos Apache Tribe and Becerra v. Northern Arapaho Tribe on March 25, 2024.
Cherokee values tell us we have a duty to protect the land and waters that bring life to the whole community.
There’s still time to register and book your hotel for #NAFOA2024 in Florida!
Each year, Alaska honors the U.S. government official who negotiated the acquisition of Alaska, largely ignoring Indigenous peoples who still live there.
“Syphilis is deadly to babies. It’s highly infectious, and it causes very severe outcomes,” said Meghan Curry O’Connell of the Great Plains Tribal Leaders’ Health Board.
When the Exxon Valdez supertanker broke open on March 24, 1989, the resulting oil spill coated 1,300 miles of shoreline, causing long-lasting damage for Alaska Natives.
Four states and six tribes in the Colorado River Basin are working on what could be a historic agreement — if it happens at all.
It’s basketball tournament time and Native America Calling is talking free throws, three-pointers and trophies.
Whiskey Tender, the memoir by Deborah Jackson Taffa, is both an intimate personal story and Native history.
Lawmakers from both parties are supporting — and opposing — a bill that would ban TikTok unless the social media app is sold to a non-foreign owner.
Know someone who needs to be in the NAFOA-know?
According to the most recent data, 1 in 5 children in Oklahoma is living in poverty, and more than 180,000 kids in this state can’t always get enough nutritious food.
An investigation shows that Native people have the highest rate of death from liver disease, but the lowest representation on the waitlist for transplants.
In our collective efforts, we will continue to advocate for the safety and well-being of all Native children.
Indigenous women are confronting past abuses of medical professionals who claimed to be working in their best interests.
The National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development is celebrating young leaders at the Reservation Economic Summit.
President Joe Biden delivered a combative State of the Union that laid out his achievements and baited Republicans for not doing more.
Doing business on a global scale means understanding the competitive advantages tribes and First Nations bring to the table.
Small business serve as building blocks for tribes, providing jobs and circulating revenue within the community.
We will not only nurture talent but also secure a brighter future for the Cherokee Nation.
Tribes maintain schedules for harvests, ceremonies, family and feasts. How does the concept of time factor in?
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