AFN presents plan to address First Nations issues

The Assembly of First Nations submitted a 10-year plan to the premiers in Canada to address housing, education and economic issues facing Native communities.

Native leaders met with the premiers on Tuesday to discuss the plan. The two groups agreed to work together to reduce disparities between Natives and non-Natives.

"The gap that exists between aboriginal Canadians, First Nations and the general public is something we should all be ashamed of," British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell was quoted as saying.

Among other proposals, AFN wants Native people to continue receiving treaty health benefits even if they live off reserve.

The plan was presented in advance of the First Ministers Meeting in Alberta.

Get the Story:
Premiers to end aboriginal poverty (CP 8/10)
Commitment to natives (The Edmonton Sun 8/10)
Native leaders, premiers agree on 10-year plan (CanWest News Service 8/10)
AFN wants aboriginal problems on premiers' agenda (CBC 8/9)
Fontaine to seek premiers' support for overhaul of native health care (The Globe and Mail 8/9)

Relevant Links:
Assembly of First Nations -

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