"Here's how to prosper in Washington, as revealed in documents obtained by Senate Indian Affairs Committee Chairman John McCain.
Use your position as a lobbyist to milk your clients for millions of dollars, spread a little of it around in Congress, divvy up the rest with a cohort, and stash the rest in the Cayman Islands, well-known for bank secrecy laws.
That's what lobbyist Jack Abramoff is accused of doing. Correspondence between Abramoff and others, released by McCain's committee, outlines a plan dubbed "gimme five" used to maximize payments from the casino-rich Mississippi Choctaw tribe while skimming off a major share of the proceeds for themselves.
"I'm just surprised I am not under 'dead, disgraced or in jail,'" Abramoff joked to a colleague in an e-mail exchange. Perhaps he should be in the latter category. One e-mail obtained by the Senate Committee shows that Abramoff and his partner charged the Mississippi tribe $7.7 million for projects in 2001. The two divided $6.5 million in ways that sought to avoid taxes."
Get the Story:
Journal Views: How to prosper in Washington
(The Idaho State Journal 6/29)
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Chip leaders debated (4/28)
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opposing tribe (11/12)
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McCain received tribal donations (11/08)
Author: Abramoff, Scanlon likely to be indicted
Senate panel asks Coushatta Tribe
for tapes (10/27)
Ralph Reed paid $4.1M
to oppose tribes (10/26)
Two more
lawyers linked to lobbyist scandal (10/21)
Online Chat: Abramoff 'close friend' of DeLay
Christian Coalition still after
Poarch Creeks (10/19)
Congressman denies
knowing of tribe's backing (10/18)
Opinion: Lobbyist scandal goes all the way to Bush
Congressman's anti-gaming push
backed by tribe (10/15)
Tigua Tribe mum
on Washington lobbyists (10/12)
Resources asked to investigate lobbyists (10/8)
Another tribe considers lawsuit against lobbyists
DeLay rebuked yet again for
flaunting influence (10/7)
Tribe to sue lobbyists for $32M (10/4)
Lobbyist scandal reaches to top levels of GOP
Choctaw Tribe's lobbying
documents kept secret (10/4)
detail lobbyists' role in tribal elections (10/4)
Salon: Tom DeLay allowed tribes to be 'slickered'
Pueblo leader says lobbyists'
high fees not worth it (10/1)
Texas AG
asked to investigate Abramoff, Scanlon (10/1)
DeLay rebuked for trading influence on House floor
Ex-tribal lobbyists slammed in
Senate hearing (9/30)
Abramoff mum at
hearing while Scanlon a no-show (9/30)
Column: Lobbyists lurked in 'cesspool of greed'
Washington lobbyists called before
Senate panel (9/29)
Editorial: Send
lobbyist hogs to the slaughterhouse (9/29)
Tigua Tribe outraged over being played as 'moronic'
Tribes told to donate to
lobbyists' foundation (9/28)
Actions of tribal lobbyists 'loathsome' (9/28)
Lobbyists worked for, against 'moronic' Tiguas
Group opposing Poarch Creeks tied
to tribal lobbyists (09/16)
used lobbyists to spy on tribes, critics (09/13)
Bush strategist now knows source of tribal
funds (09/01)
Bush strategist claims no
knowledge of funds (8/31)
strategist admits taking tribal money (8/30)
Senate hearing on tribal lobbying probe set
Coushatta member threatened over
recall effort (08/09)
Coushatta Tribe's
lobbying records subpoenaed (07/23)
Hearing on high lobbying fees expected in
September (07/16)
GOP strategist denies
secretly taking tribal money (7/15)
Tribal money secretly funneled to GOP
strategist (06/25)
Busy Indian Affairs
Committee hits snag on big issues (06/17)
Indian Affairs Committee activity this week
Saginaw Chippewa leader who paid
lobbyists ousted (06/04)
Indian Country
awaits outcome of lobbying probe (05/18)
Tribal chairman says $120K fee to Abramoff worth
it (05/18)
Republican governors
report biggest donor in 2002 (05/04)
Saginaw Chippewa Tribe wonders where $14M
went (04/20)
McCain demands documents
from lobbyist, PR exec (04/12)
Coushatta treasurer accuses NIGC of lax
oversight (04/12)
Choctaw chief
Martin defends embattled GOP lobbyist (04/09)
McCain pushing Choctaw tribe to cooperate with
probe (4/8)
Coushatta leaders used
tribal money to pay lobbyists (4/8)
Coushatta Tribe paid $32M to lobbyist Jack
Abramoff (4/6)
McCain aggressive in
pursuing lobbyist records (4/5)
McCain demands documents for tribal lobbyist's
work (3/30)
Embattled lobbyist signs
deal with another firm (03/25)
Embattled tribal lobbyist gave to Conn.
Congressman (03/10)
Saginaw Chippewa
Tribe hires new lobbying firm (3/9)
McCain begins investigation into high tribal
fees (3/4)
Pueblo governor says $1M
fee to PR firm not worth it (3/3)
McCain calls for investigation into tribal
spending (2/27)
Four tribes spent
$45M on lobbying and PR firms (2/23)
GOP lobbyist scores big with tribes
Embattled tribe gets new
lobbyist (12/13)
Editorial: Maybe Abramoff should be sent to jail
Thursday, June 30, 2005
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