Trump administration signals major changes for tribal lending industry (January 19, 2018)

Indian Country advocates are praising the Trump administration for dropping a case that targeted the tribal lending industry.

Lake named for advocate of tribal removal changed to 'Bde Maka Ska' (January 19, 2018)

The largest lake in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is now being recognized by its original Native name.

YES! Magazine: Making amends as marijuana sales begin in California (January 19, 2018)

The city of Los Angeles has created a 'social equity' tier of applications who will receive priority for marijuana business permits.

Ivan Star Comes Out: Making the tribal constitution work for our people (January 19, 2018)

Educating our youth can only provide them with their much needed sense of identity and thus the wherewithal to return to the old Oceti Sakowin system of government.

Native Sun News Today: Oglala Sioux Tribe contests uranium mining plan (January 19, 2018)

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is giving the public until January 29 to comment on a decision to expand a uranium mine near the Pine Ridge Reservation.