Makah gearing up for whale hunting
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The Makah Nation of Washington has requested $70,000 in federal funds from the National Marine Fisheries Service for use in its traditional whale hunt.

Of the amount, the tribe wants $37,960 for a full-time manager to work on public relations and with the tribe's whaling commission. The tribe wants to use $11,904 so a consultant can prepare documents for the International Whaling Commission, which will set a five-year aboriginal hunting quota for the United States.

Get the Story:
Makah tribe seeks funding for manager, consultant (AP 1/21)

Get Whale Hunt Documents:
Makah Whaling Environmental Assessment (NMFS)

Only on Indianz.Com:
The Makah Whale Hunt (A Top Story of 1999)

Relevant Links:
The Makah Nation -

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