Editorial: GOPs outsmart selves on ANWR
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"Whew. The frozen Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska (ANWR) will remain free of gushing oil pipes and wells a while longer although maybe not forever. The caribou, polar bears and snow geese are safe, for now.

A nearly unanimous Senate blocked a Republican procedural move Monday to let energy companies drill for oil in that environmental treasure, one of America's last pristine geological wonders.

Republican leaders outsmarted themselves by trying to attach to a popular railroad retirement measure amendments that would have ratified both President Bush's controversial energy policy, including the Arctic drilling, and placed a criminal ban on human cloning. . ."

Get the Story:
Marianne Means: Republicans' bungling gives ANWR creatures a reprieve (The Seattle Post-Intelligencer 12/6)

Relevant Links:
Oil Issues in ANWR, US Fish and Wildlife -
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Pro-Development site -

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