Bush to address homeland security
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President Bush tonight will address the nation about its response to anthrax and the bio-terroris threat that faces the United States.

Bush's address comes as top federal officials increasingly admit they cannot pinpoint the source of the anthrax letters that have killed four and have sickened others. Officials also cannot guarantee America is safe from other biological weapons, nor can it sssure how, where and who has access to dangerous agents like smallpox.

The speech also comes as support for the U.S.-led assault on Afghanistan is weakening. Although an overwhelming majority of Americans support the response, according to a Washington Post / ABC News poll, support is waning when it comes to a ground war where Americans might lose their lives.

Almost immediately after the U.S. and Great Britain began their air assaults, Americans were overwhelming supporting ground troop action no matter what the cost. Support is also becoming partisan, with Democrat voters voicing objections about the loss of American lives.

Bush's speech will air at 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on all major networks.

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