Where is LaDuke's Indian support?
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OCTOBER 30, 2000

A report by Jodi Rave Lee of The Lincoln Journal Star asks the key question: Where are all of Winona LaDuke's Native American supporters?

Given her views and record on the environment, treaty rights, and sovereignty, LaDuke and running mate Ralph Nader would appear to be an Indian voter's dream come true. But as Rave Lee explores, Indian voters like the Green Duo but aren't going to vote for them because many believe a voter for Nader is a vote for George W. Bush.

Still, Rave Lee shows that LaDuke is optimistic and holds strong to her positions.

And she still shops at discount stores. LaDuke would appear to be as comfortable in the White House as she would at a WalMart.

Get the Decision:
Real-world politics: Green Party running mate brings Native view to campaign (The Lincoln Journal Star 10/30)

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