Toledo pressures government
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MAY 24, 2000

Alejandro Toledo responded to the Peruvian government's threats of fines against citizens by telling them to write "no to fraud" on their ballots.

The Fujimori administration has been warning citizens that they face a $33 fine if they fail to vote as required by law. The government said failure to vote would make one ineligible for public medical insurance, social security, and unable to receive a driver's license or passport.

Mininmum wage is less than $120 a month. The government has rarely collected fines in the past.

The Organization of American States (OAS) said that they would give the National Election Board until Thursday at the latest to let the government prove its election software is working properly. The OAS on Monday had said it would stop monitoring the election but changed its mind, believing the government would cooperate.

The Peruvian newspaper El Comercio reports today that the Election Board will perform another software test this afternoon.

Toledo campaigned as the "Rebel Indian" before officially withdrawing on Monday from a run-off election scheduled for May 28th. Incumbent Alberto Fujimori was unable to receive the more than 50 percent of the vote in last month's election.

From El Comercio:
El sistema de cómputo de la ONPE tendrá hoy su prueba decisiva (5/24)

Indianz.Com Peru Elections Coverage:
Toledo withdraws from election (Global 5/23)
Toledo pulls out of election (Global 05/19)
Wife woos women voters (Global 05/17)
Observers critical of second Peru election (Global 05/16)
The 'Rebel Indian' campaigns (Global 05/04)
US Warns Peru (Global 04/26)
Peruvians appreciate US pressure (Global 04/14)
Officials in Peru announce run-off (Global 04/13)
Peruvians protest Fujimori (Global 04/12)
Suspected ballot fraud in Peru (Global 04/11)
Elections in Peru: Not over yet (Global 04/10)
On the campaign trail in Peru (Global 04/04)

Relevant Links:
The National Election Board:
The Organization of American States:
El Comercio:
La Republica:

Staff and news wires contributed to this report.