How safe from terrorist attacks?
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"On Sunday morning Attorney General John Ashcroft warned on CBS's "Face the Nation" that "there is a clear and present danger" of more terrorist attacks. AndSunday evening Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson tried to reassure Americans on "60 Minutes" that we were prepared. In fact he ended upscaring people more than reassuring them.

Last week I was interviewed by a BBC radio reporter after being quoted in Maureen Dowd's column in the New York Times saying I was trying to find gas masksfor my family. The reporter ridiculed me and asked sarcastically if I was also building a bunker in my backyard against nuclear attacks.

Well, maybe I just will. In fact, I will do everything I can to protect my family in case of an attack. . ."

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Sally Quinn: What We Need to Know (The Washington Post 10/3)