Timber sales halted to protect salmon
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JUNE 1, 2001

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday blocked a federal plan to harvest forests in the Umpqua River basin in Oregon.

The court said four biological opinions issued by the National Marine Fisheries Service failed to consider the effects of the proposed sale on endagered runs of salmon and a threatened trout. The NMFS has to review the proposal and then issue new opinions, said the court.

Get the Decision:
PAC. COAST FED'N OF FISHERMAN'S ASSOCS., INC. v. NAT'L MARINE FISHERIES SERV., No 99-36027; 99-36195 (9th Cir. May 31, 2001)

Get the Story:
Ruling blocks timber sales; court says salmon impact wasn't considered (The Seattle Times 6/1)
Timber ruling favors salmon (The Seattle Post-Intelligencer 6/1)
Ruling Halts Some Loggers in Northwest (The Los Angeles Times 6/1)
Court blocks timber sales, saying government studies inadequate (AP 6/1)