Energy talks shrouded in secrecy
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APRIL 16, 2001

The meetings of Vice President Dick Cheney's energy task force are so secret that no one can talk about them.

But the group's intended recommendations are already well-known. From opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska to drilling to building new power grids, the Bush administration has been hinting at its goals for several weeks.

Members of the task force include Interior Secretary Gale Norton, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham, and other Cabinet members and agency officials.

The secrecy is said to be an attempt to stem criticism of the task force, whose recommendations are expected to be made public within a month or so.

Bush's Energy Goals:
DRAFT: Energy Task Force - Land Management Planning (March 12, 2001)

Get the Story:
Energy Task Force Works in Secret (The Washington Post 4/16)