More Indian dropouts predicted
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SEPTEMBER 28, 2000

An increase in the number of Native American students who drop out of public high school in Massachusetts is expected, said a report released by the National Center for Fair and Open Testing.

The report said that pressures surrounding the state's Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System, which all students will be required to pass in order to graduate beginning in 2001, could lead to more dropouts.

The Class of 1998 dropout rate for Indian students was 28 percent. By the Class of 2001, it could increase to 33 percent. The report says, however, that the rates will eventually stabilize.

Last week, the Massachusetts Commission on Indian Affairs looked at the scores of Native American students, many of whom failed certain portions of the MCAS.

Get the 1999 Test Scores Report:
Report of 1999 Massachusetts and Local School District MCAS Results by Race/Ethnicity (Mass Dept of Ed. May 2000)

Get the Story:
Study predicts rise of minority dropouts as MCAS pressure builds (AP 9/27)
State to look at Indian test scores (Indian U. 9/20)

Relevant Links:
The Massachusetts Department of Education -