Cubin: So you can't sell guns to any black person?
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Representative Barbara Cubin (R-Wyoming) was forced to apologize on Wednesday for remarks that appeared to say all African Americans are drug addicts.

During a debate on a bill to limit gun manufacturers from lawsuits, Cubin questioned a Democratic amendment that would have banned gun sales to drug addicts or people in drug treatment. "So does that mean that if you go into a black community you can't sell any guns to any black person?" she asked, according to news accounts.

Rep. Melvin Watt (D-N.C.), who is African American, tried to have the remarks stricken. But the vote failed largely along party lines.

The bill was eventually agreed to by a vote of 285 to 140.

Get the Story:
Debate on Gun Rights In House Turns Racial (The Washington Post 4/10)
House Votes to Limit Lawsuits Against Gun Manufacturers (The New York Times 4/10)
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Cubin takes heat for remark (AP 4/10)

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