Truckin' for Campbell and Mexico's Fox

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Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colo.) says he and Vicente Fox, President of Mexico, have a lot in common.

They both grew up in vegetable country and have unique wardrobes, notes Campbell. But more importantly, both have trucking in their past.

While Fox was in Washington, DC, Campbell showed him pictures of his restored 1976 Ford Coca Cola truck. Fox used to be a trucker before heading Coca Cola's Mexican operations.

What they don't share is a desire to allow Mexican trucks on US highways. Campbell wants the trucks to adhere to strict safety standards.

Incidentally, Fox was called "Indio" during his college days due to his boots and jeans clothing, although is not Indian. Campbell is the only American Indian in the Senate.

Fox has been in DC for joint cabinet talks with President Bush. Bush last night held an official state dinner for Fox.

Earlier in the day, Fox urged the United States to finalize a migrant worker's deal by the end of the year. Bush is considering some form of recognition of the millions of Mexican illegal immigrants in the US.

Today, Fox will address Congress.

Get the Story:
Campbell, Fox talk about trucking days (The Denver Post 9/6)
Fox Presses for Immigration Agreement (The Washington Post 9/6)
Mexican President Urges U.S. to Act Soon on Migrants (The New York Times 9/6)
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