Condit breaks silence resolves little

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ABC News aired the first media interview with Rep. Gary Condit (D-Calif.) on Thursday night since he was implicated in the disappearance of a former Washington, DC, intern.

Condit was evasive on questions relating to his relationship with Chandra Levy, refusing to provide any details out of a request by his family and her family, he said. He told Connie Chung he has provided answers about the relationship to authorities but admitted he had "close" ties with her.

He denied having anything to do with Levy's disappearance. She has been missing since May 1. Leads have turned up little.

Local and federal authorities have dual jurisdiction in the case of Levy. Both local police and FBI have interviewed Condit.

Other media interviews are scheduled to be published in the coming weeks.

Get the Story:
Condit Denies Role In Disappearance (The Washington Post 8/24)
Transcript of Interview (The Washington Post 8/24)
Tom Shales: Condit Didn't Break His Silence So Much as Bend It (The Washington Post 8/24)
Condit Denies Any Knowledge of Levy's Fate (The New York Times 8/24)
Quizzing Condit (The New York Times 8/24)
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