Democrats vow block of Bush nominees

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MAY 3, 2001

Senate Minority Leader Thomas A. Daschle (D-S.D.) on Tuesday said Democrats will block all judicial nominations submitted by President Bush unless Republicans allow their views to be fully considered.

Democrats say Republicans are changing the rules in how judges are considered. In the past, they said a judge needed approval both Senators in his or her particular state.

Now, they say Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) is getting rid of that requirement so the President can fill the federal bench with conservative or right-leaning judges.

Defeated Senator Slade Gorton has taken a job with a Washington state law firm but has expressed continued interest in sitting on either the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals or the DC Circuit. In either position, he'd preside over cases affecting a number of tribes.

Get the Story:
Daschle Warns GOP on Judicial Confirmations (The Washington Post 5/3)

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