Campaign finance near final vote

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MARCH 30, 2001

The McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform bill survived its biggest challenge on Thursday, as Senators voted 57-43 against an amendment which would have declared most of its provisions void should it face a court challenge.

The so-called "severability clause" is frequently added to legislation to protect against future legal challenges. In this case, the clause would have voided the ban on "soft money" donations to political parties should major provisions of the bill be declared unconstitutional.

Soft money bans are the entire focus of the bill. A final vote on the bill is set for Monday.

See who voted "Yes" to reject the amendment:
Senate Roll Call (The Washington Post 3/30)

Get the Story:
Campaign Finance Bill Clears Big Hurdle (The Washington Post 3/30)
Frustration Gives Way to Exhilaration (The Washington Post 3/30)

Relevant Links:
Open Secrets, the Center for Responsible Politics -

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