Senate begins FBI hearings

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JUNE 21, 2001

The Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday began its first of several hearings on the conduct of the FBI in a number of high-profile cases.

Their hearings came as Attorney General John Ashcroft ordered an internal probe of the FBI yesterday. He wants a "comprehensive review" to identify and fix problems within the troubled agency.

Judiciary Chairman Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Vice-Chairman Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) introduced a bill to conduct a "a top-to-bottom review" of the FBI's problems.

Leonard Peltier supporters are pushing the committee to review his case as well.

Get the Story:
Ashcroft Orders Review of FBI (The Washington Post 6/21)
Broad Review of F.B.I. Is Set as Senate Begins Hearings (The New York Times 6/21)
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