Tribes talk recognition reform

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MAY 16, 2001

A panel at the National Congress of American Indians on Tuesday discussed proposed changes to the federal recognition process.

Ron Allen, chairman of the Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe of Washington and a vice president of NCAI, said he was concerned about legislation that sets up an independent federal recognition commission. John Echohawk, an attorney for Native American Rights Fund, also had reservations.

Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colo.), chairman of the Indian Affairs Committee, has introduced a bill to set up the commission. Congressman Eni Faleomavaega (D-Am.Samoa) has introduce a companion version in the House.

Get the Legislation:
A bill for administrative procedures to extend Federal recognition to certain Indian groups, and for other purposes (S.504)
To provide for administrative procedures to extend Federal recognition to certain Indian groups, and for other purposes (H.R.1175)

Get the Story:
Changes to tribal recognition are becoming a chief concern (The Norwich Bulletin 5/16)

Relevant Links:
Branch of Acknowledgment and Research -

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