Anthrax vaccine to be offered

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The Department of Health and Human Services on Tuesday said it will offer an anthrax vaccine previously limited to military personnel to as many as 3,000 postal and Congressional staff workers.

The shots will be given under an experimental project run by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The vaccine is meant to prevent anthrax not to treat those who may have been exposed -- such as the ones involved here -- so its use in controversial and its effectiveness is unknown.

A letter received at the Department of State did not contain anthrax but was a hoax, officials said.

Get the Story:
U.S. Offers Anthrax Vaccine to Thousands (The Washington Post 12/19)
Letter Called Anthrax Hoax (The Washington Post 12/19)
U.S. Will Offer Anthrax Shots for Thousands (The New York Times 12/19)
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Relevant Links:
Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program, Department of Defense -

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