Ergonomics hearings scheduled

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JUNE 8, 2001

Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao on Thursday announced her department will hold three hearings on ergonomics in the workplace in order to design new standards Congress rejected in March.

Last year, the Clinton administration finalized rules requiring employers to provide employees with information on musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) such as carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition which can occur from repeated computer keyboard usage. They also require employers to change workplace environments if necessary and provide disability compensation.

Corporations and Republicans opposed the rules, saying they could cost too much. A Republican-led effort officially repealed them using a never before used law.

The hearings will take place next month three cities: Washington, DC (July 16), Chicago (July 20), and an undetermined California city (July 24).

Get the Story:
Labor Department sets ergonomics hearings (AP 6/7)

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